Most dire outcome imaginable is that it's an extraordinary journal of your life that you will have perpetually, and it gives you a voice, also an incredible extra component to a resume. Ideally is interminable free outings, and six figures every year simply discussing your life. Truly please. I will show you how to begin your first blog.
In light of that, we should proceed onward to how to begin a travel blog, well ordered. On the off chance that you take after this, you'll have a blog in around 30 minutes:
Stage 1. Picking The Name of Your Blog
When working out How to Start a Travel Blog, this is super vital, put some genuine idea into it. Your blog can characterize your online persona, and it's digging in for the long haul. Here are some speedy tips to keep you on the straight and restricted:
A) Don't Pigeon Hole Yourself
The best counsel I can offer is to not categorize yourself with your blog name. "" may sound great now, however one year from now it's as of now obsolete! Similarly, you may think is a victor today, however 5/after 10 years when your travel style is somewhat more lavish, your blog never again fits you. Be cautious.
Pick something you can shape into something unique should you wanna do that later not far off. Attempt to keep it general so your blog can develop/advance similarly as you do. For me, One Step 4 Ward enables me to do that, I had no idea about online business when I began, yet now my blog name enables me to join what is incredible. Be shrewd about your decision, you would prefer not to need to transform it later and begin once more.
B) Be Smart with Your Characters
Be watchful with numbers, condensings and so on. I WISH somebody revealed to me this when I pick A large portion of my blog discussions now begin this way… .
"What's your blog?"
"One Step Forward, however no, with the number four, definitely the digit, not the word 'forward'… ermmm.. hold tight I'll record it, eurrrgh"
I have this discussion day by day, don't commit my error. Keep it straightforward as could reasonably be expected, and evade numbers, shortenings, hyphens if conceivable.
C) Be Professional
When it comes to working with big brands, luxury hotels and creating products – these businesses don’t want to be aligned with dubious bloggers so anything referencing drugs, getting drunk, having sex might seem cool now, but when Nikon, or the Four Seasons refuse to work with you 2 years later because of your branding, you will wish you choose something more professional. Think ahead.

STEP 2. Getting Your Blog Online.
First I’ll explain how it works, then I’ll take you through step by step….
How to Start a Travel Blog starts here! To get your blog online you need to set up hosting (see the next paragraph) and you need to buy your blog name (this is referred to as your Domain Name). It’s much better and easier to use the same company to both buy your domain name, and set up the hosting. Then when you have any issues, you only have one point of contact.
Hosting your website. Sounds confusing I know, but it’s not I promise. Hosting your website essentially means ‘renting’ the space on the internet that your blog will appear on. In the same way you may rent your apartment to live in, you have to rent the space for your blog to live in. Easy peasy. There are lots of companies – GoDaddy, HostGator etc and having used tried, fought with and left them all, I would only ever recommend, BlueHost. Their rates are super cheap at between $3.95 and $5.95 per month. They also offer a 30 day money-back guarantee, they have live chat to talk you through your tech problems (something I often need!) AND they let you have your domain name for free when you first register!
STEP 3. Making Your Blog Look Like a Blog – Installing WordPress
Great, so you were working on How to Start a Travel Blog and now already you’ve sorted out your domain registration (you’ve bought your blog name), and your hosting (you’ve rented the online space for your blog), you’re ready for it to actually be live, on the internet and look like a blog. Awesome, well done so far!
Here you need to install WordPress from your BlueHost control panel. WordPress is FREE software that allows you to publish articles, add advertising, change your design etc and it’s all super user friendly. There are other platforms – blogspot, blogger etc, don’t use them! WordPress is the one every successful blogger uses.
STEP 4. Logging into your Site and Design Your Blog
STEP 4. Logging into your Site and Design Your Blog
Now you need to install a design (referred to in WordPress as a ‘theme’) for your new blog. You’ve sorted out your hosting through BlueHost, now you have to renovate your site (by adding a theme on WordPress). If you to go to the URL (remember that the full version of your site, like for me, or, you’ll see a super basic website.
From this point on, there’s still a lot more to learn. How to Start a Travel Blog doesn’t stop once you’ve just started publishing articles! Pages, plugins, your menu options, networking, media packs, SEO, online marketing, affiliate marketing, monetizing. But you’ve done the hardest part, now blog and don’t give up.
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